Something to Talk About...

Wake County Tax Reassessments

Tax Value vs Market Value
Posted by Brenda Goff on January 09, 2024 in  uncategorized
 Wake County tax reassessments are scheduled for this year.  Wake County conducts a reassessment of real estate property every four years, and you will receive a letter from the county detailing your new tax value.    Given the potential variance between the tax value assigned by the assessor and the market value based on current trends, I would like to offer my assistance.  I am available to conduct a real estate review with you, discussing the possible difference between the tax value and... Readmore

Real Estate Reviews- Why they are Important!

Is your investment working for you?
Posted by Brenda Goff on April 27, 2023 in  uncategorized
What is a Real Estate Review? A real estate review is a property check-up on your investment.  It gives you an opportunity to evaluate your current situation to make sure your investment is working for you.  Knowledge is power and that power turns into options to make the most of your investment.    WHO should schedule a real estate review? The typical real estate review would be for a current homeowner. Just like going for an annual exam with your doctor, this would be an annual check-up for yo... Readmore

First Time Homebuyers-The American Dream

Questions and Answers
Posted by Brenda Goff on March 18, 2023 in  uncategorized
  Buying a house for the first time can be extremely intimidating.  While it might be considered the “American Dream”,  it is important to find some who can help you navigate the process so it doesn’t become a nightmare instead.  It is not to say you won’t hit things to overcome, but a skilled agent can help you problem solve because you will also be dealing with emotions from the process.  It is exciting, but change can be hard and sometimes a little frightening.&nb... Readmore

Four Considerations In New Construction Inspections

New Construction Insights
Posted by Brenda Goff on March 16, 2023 in  Home Inspection
Buyers are typically looking for ways to save a dollar at every turn because when buying a home every dollar adds up. The expenses continue to mount up over the course of the process and buyers are trying to keep it as low as possible. I have been asked many times how important is a home inspection on a brand new house?.  There are varying opinions out there, but below are 4 considerations of how to handle your new home inspection.     Types of Inspections: There are levels of a new home inspect... Readmore

The Cost of Deferred Maintenance

Posted by Brenda Goff on May 04, 2019 in  uncategorized
? Real estate Is generally the largest investment an individual or family makes financially. As with any investment, it is important to stay on top of how environmental conditions and other circumstances affect your investment. Deferred maintenance is when the needed attention is not given to the investment. When basic maintenance and repairs are put off too long or not attended to at all, the cost can add up to get back to working order.   There are a number of ways that deferred maintenance can affect your s... Readmore

